Newspaper Articles


Newspaper Articles


During the epidemic, newspapers and magazines were swamped by reports, editorials, and letters that frequently tied the Chinese to the outbreak.

Collection Items

"Small-pox in Sydney." Evening News, May 26, 1881.
A newspaper article reporting on the first suspected smallpox case. The victim was the child of a prominent Chinese merchant.

"The Chinese and Small-pox." Herald, May 28, 1881.
An editorial attacking Chinese immigrants. It was widely believed that the Chinese were harbingers of transmissible diseases due to their 'dirtiness'.

"Compulsory Vaccination." Evening News, July 23, 1881.
A letter to the editor arguing against compulsory vaccination.

“Friday, July 22, 1881,” Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser, July 22, 1881.
The smallpox outbreak catalysed efforts to restrict Chinese immigration to the colony on a parliamentary level, culminating in the Influx of Chinese Restriction Act 1881. There was significant debate surrounding the particulars of this bill. This…
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